
Your donations are tax-deductible and help us to assist with the needs of many within our communities. Thank you for your support!

Ways you can support St. John’s United Methodist Church financially:

ONLINE GIVING: Transactions are securely handled through our church management software, Breeze, and their payment processor, Stripe. You can set up one-time or recurring donations from your checking account, debit card, or credit card. After choosing the amount, you can designate your gift to a particular fund if you wish. The list of funds may vary throughout the church year. You will also have an additional option to increase your donation so that it includes the cost of the transaction fees charged by the payment processors. Simply click our Donate Now button!

ONLINE BILL PAYMENT SERVICES:  If you utilize an online bill payment service, either through your bank or a personal finance application (e.g. Quicken), you could setup St. John’s United Methodist Church as a new payee and then submit one-time or recurring donations directly from your checking account.

MAIL: Checks can be mailed directly to the church at St. John’s United Methodist Church, 28 Cataract Ave, Dover NH 03820.

If you have any questions about giving online, please call the Church Office at (603) 742-3046 or send an e-mail to