Dine-in format with a take-out option for our monthly public suppers with guests enjoying a hearty meal and
fellowship in Hartford Hall. We look forward to seeing you there!
Cost of each meal is $15. Proceeds from our public suppers go towards our ministry programs and the operational costs that support those ministry programs. Thank you for your continued support!
Questions/Comments? Email us at stjohnspublicsupper@gmail.com
~ 2025 Public Supper Schedule ~
January 25: Pork
with sour cream mashed potatoes, herb stuffing, applesauce, squash, corn, roll, and homemade desserts
February 22: Pot Roast
with sour cream mashed potatoes, apple stuffing, corn, peas, applesauce, roll, and homemade desserts
March 22: Turkey
with mashed potatoes, herb stuffing, roasted carrots, green beans, cranberry sauce, roll, and homemade desserts
April 26: Pork
with sour cream mashed potatoes, herb stuffing, applesauce, corn, squash, roll, and homemade desserts
May 17: Pot Roast
with sour cream mashed potatoes, apple stuffing, applesauce, corn, peas, roll, and homemade desserts
June 28: Turkey
with mashed potatoes, herb stuffing, roasted carrots, green beans, cranberry sauce, roll, and homemade desserts
July: No public supper in July
August : No public supper in August
September 27: Turkey
with mashed potatoes, herb stuffing, cranberry sauce, roasted carrots, green beans, roll, and homemade desserts
October 25: Pot Roast
with sour cream mashed potatoes, apple stuffing, corn, peas, applesauce, roll, and homemade desserts
November 15: Pork
with sour cream mashed potatoes, herb stuffing, corn, squash, roll, applesauce, and homemade desserts
December: No public supper in December